domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

1º EM - Video Script

Interviewer: Hi. What’s your name?
Natalia: My name is Natalia Picarovich
Interviewer: Where are you from?
Natalia: I'm from Marsaw,Poland
Interviewer: How old are you?
Natalia: I'm thirty-four.
Interviewer: Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Natalia: Oh yes, I have an older sister.
Interviewer: And how old is she?
Natalia: She's forty-three.
Interviewer: what does she do?
Natalia: She's an editor.
Interviewer: And where does she live?
Natalia: She lives in Mexico.
Interviewer: what's your favorite film?
Natalia: My favorite film is an American film, "Stand by me"
Interviewer: And who's in the film?
Natalia: one of the actors is River Phoenix
Interviewer: And what is your favorite type of music?
Natalia: Hum, I would aave to say POP.
Interviewer: Pop music?
Natalia: Yes
Interviewer: And your favorite singer or favorite band?
Natalia: Hum, yes, my favorite singer is George Michael.
Interviewer: And what's your favorite song by George Michael?
Natalia: Only one? I really really love all of them, but...
Interviewer: your all time favorite.
Natalia: Hum...the Father Figure.
Interviewer: Ok, very good. And what are your parents'names?
Natalia: My parents'names are Ranjay and Tereza.
Interviewer: And what do they do?
Natalia: My father's a scientist and my mom is a nurse.
Interviewer: And where do they live?
Natalia: Right now they are living in the Uniteds States.
Interviewer: And which city?
Natalia: In City in College Park
Interviewer: And what kind of house do they live in?
Natalia: They live in an apartment. It's regular size.

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