segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

7º ano

Façam como as frases e os exercicios no caderno. Comparem as duas fotos e digam qual é MORE ...+ THAN o outro, dependendo do adjetivo citado.

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Food 7º ANO

Look at the foods and drinks. Divide them in 2 collumns in your notebook: healthy and unhealthy. Can you?

                        HEALTHY        l     UNHEALTHY
For class 05/04, look up in your English Dictionary or use the link of the dictionary here in the blog and find 10 names of fruits and 6 names of vegetables, copy in English and in Portuguese. The commom fruits and the commom vegetables. Ok? Copy everything in your notebook.

GAMES!!! We have games about food to play.

Memory Game: Play
O link abaixo é de um site onde você aprende a fazer coisas deliciosas para comer de uma maneira divertida e aprendendo também o nome de todos os ingredientes!!!I love this site.
A receita de hoje é: CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM

Alguma dúvida me escrevam.

6º ANO - Wh - questions + verb To Be

Answer the questions on your notebook, ok?

1. Where is the Amanda's house?
2. Who is the Amanda'smother?
3. Who is the Amanda's father?
4. What are the Amanda's pets?
5. What is the Amanda's school?
6. Who is the Amanda's friend?
7. What is Amanda's favorite activity?
8. What are Matt's favorite book?
9. Where is Matt's house?
10. Who is Matt's brother?
11. What is Matt's favorite sport?

1º EM - Video Script

Interviewer: Hi. What’s your name?
Natalia: My name is Natalia Picarovich
Interviewer: Where are you from?
Natalia: I'm from Marsaw,Poland
Interviewer: How old are you?
Natalia: I'm thirty-four.
Interviewer: Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Natalia: Oh yes, I have an older sister.
Interviewer: And how old is she?
Natalia: She's forty-three.
Interviewer: what does she do?
Natalia: She's an editor.
Interviewer: And where does she live?
Natalia: She lives in Mexico.
Interviewer: what's your favorite film?
Natalia: My favorite film is an American film, "Stand by me"
Interviewer: And who's in the film?
Natalia: one of the actors is River Phoenix
Interviewer: And what is your favorite type of music?
Natalia: Hum, I would aave to say POP.
Interviewer: Pop music?
Natalia: Yes
Interviewer: And your favorite singer or favorite band?
Natalia: Hum, yes, my favorite singer is George Michael.
Interviewer: And what's your favorite song by George Michael?
Natalia: Only one? I really really love all of them, but...
Interviewer: your all time favorite.
Natalia: Hum...the Father Figure.
Interviewer: Ok, very good. And what are your parents'names?
Natalia: My parents'names are Ranjay and Tereza.
Interviewer: And what do they do?
Natalia: My father's a scientist and my mom is a nurse.
Interviewer: And where do they live?
Natalia: Right now they are living in the Uniteds States.
Interviewer: And which city?
Natalia: In City in College Park
Interviewer: And what kind of house do they live in?
Natalia: They live in an apartment. It's regular size.

domingo, 20 de março de 2011

Everyday Activities - 7º

Alguns verbos não vimos na apostila, mas só para ver se vocês conseguem reconhece-los.

Video Activity - Personal Information (1ºEM)

It's a little difficult exercise, but some information is totally possible to understand. So, watch the video and answer the questions 1 to 12. Copy the questions and answers in your notebook, ok? Next post I give you the script.

1. What's Natalia full name?
2. Where is she from?
3. How old is she?
4. Does she have any brothers or sisters?
5. How old is her brother or sister?
6. Where does she/he live?
7. What's her favorite film?
8. What's her favorite music style?
9. What's her favorite singer or band?
10. What is her mother's name?
11. What are her parents occupation?
12. Where do they live? 

8º - Present Progressive Examples

Nós fizemos esta lição pelo outro blog, mas agora deixarei aqui como um exemplo para consulta.
Lembrem-se que o Present Progressive descreve as ações que estão sendo feitas no momento da fala.